Saturday, August 6, 2011

Life Change

For those of you following my blog and/or Twitter will notice I have been a little secretive.

Unfortunately, I can't reveal all the details, as I have signed a nondisclosure agreement with my new company and my agency -- so here's the 'announcement' without telling too much.

I am going to be a corporate flight attendant.

Back in May, I separated from my airline I was with for over 14 years.

Commercial flying has depleted recently to a step above riding a bus - smaller seats, no food, huge hassle just getting to the airport/gate.

I was not happy to be in a situation where the company was extremely unsupportive of their employees.
It was hard to go to work knowing my efforts were not appreciated or was always unnoticed.

I had no tools to work with onboard even when someone was disserviced. It would simply cost the passengers extra money or there was no resolution to speak of.
It was constant disappointment and frustration for all parties involved.

I decided to pursue something I've always thought about doing in the back of my mind.
After endless hours of research about the best approach, I attended the safety course for corporate flight attendants in June.
Once I passed all the tests, I networked as much as I can.

Corporate aviation is unlike commercial in every sense imaginable.
The two are not similar in anyway and my background did not translate to much when it came time to speak about experiences.

Being one of the most discrete field, it was a hard door to open.
Contact information was extremely hard to find, and emails were often unanswered.
You never find a wanted ad online, and unless you have previous experience normally you will not be considered for a position.

I had met many wonderful people during this journey, and just a couple of weeks ago, received a phone call from the director at my agency that my instructor and from my safety training and he himself  recommended me to one of the biggest companied in the world.
Due to the respect he has gained in this field, his recommendation was taken very seriously and this company gave me a chance to come in and show them what I have.

Long story short, I have now completed their in house training (which has been about 12 hours each day for the past 5 days) and 6 tests -- and am on my way tomorrow to do my first training flight aboard a gorgeous Gulfstream aircraft.

I am extremely excited for this huge change in my life.

The attached pictures are stock photos of Gulfstream Jets -- NOT pictures of my company's jets.


  1. Oh Congratulations!!! How wonderful for you!!!

  2. Seiko,

    Way to go!

    I applaud you for not giving up in the face of adversity, when the chips were down, and all seemed lost.

    You earned this opportunity through hard work, determination, tenacity, social networking, strong communication skills, and, most importantly, your belief in yourself, self-confidence, which is what pulled you through the gauntlet to reach this exciting new adventure in your life.

    As Virginia Woolf once said,"Without self-confidence we are as babes in the cradle".

    Congratulations on landing the job, and best wishes in your new career as a corporate flight attendant!


    Charles Frey

  3. So exciting! That has always been my dream job! Please share your experiences if you can : )
