Monday, December 19, 2011

Loft Party

The staircase that leads to the 2nd and 3rd floor of the Penthouse Loft

Perhaps because a lot of my Holiday season is spent on the road, I can not recall any particular party during this time of the year that was so memorable.

I have done my share of the office party (not my office, obviously) and what not but this party I tagged along with my friend, was at a beautiful loft in a historic building in Downtown L.A.

Just a few pictures to share.

The food was catered by a local Mexican restaurant

Look at all the leftovers! And their beautiful kitchen!

This was taken on their rooftop deck

The bathroom looks like you're in a hotel

Downtown L.A.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Excitement for '12

I have not posted here in a while, I had been busy getting some things in my personal life situated.

For one, I am moving again -- yes.

Since the loss of my cat last month, I realized how much I missed having a cat around in my life.
I have always volunteered since I moved out West but it's just not the same.

I also felt that for the price I am paying, that I wanted more of 'my' space -- and if I couldn't do that at least I wanted to reduce the rent a little bit.

I knew that I couldn't afford a place on my own, so I wanted a roommate, and a flight attendant roomie would have been ideal.

Since personal space and time is very important to me and with what I do, preparation for the flight and decompression after the flight is so valuable, that I selfishly thought "hey a flight attendant roommate would be awesome!" -- meaning that her and I both will have a lot of time and space for ourselves since we will be gone for a period of time on a regular base.

I found a perfect person as my roommate, and we looked for a place together.

Since she is also a corporate FA and more experienced than I am, I have TONS of things I can learn from her, and I am really looking forward to that.

The new place has a balcony, hardwood floors, entertainer's kitchen, floor to ceiling window, and big rooms, and is modern built with brand new blinds, plus covered parking - all for $300 less than what I was paying (for my portion).

I will have the pictures up as soon as I move in next month!

Now I am able to adopt the 2 cats I have been stalking at my volunteer organization.
I have already turned in my application, and I am excited for the new year already.
I have names picked out for them too.

New place, new kitties, new roomies..... less rent, and a cool kitchen to bake even more.

I am filled with excitement for the New Year.

(pic courtesy of

Monday, November 21, 2011

Angel in Heaven

More than 15 years ago you came into my life to give me more joy and laughter than I could have ever imagined.

You were the best thing that's ever happened to me.

I can not imagine my life without you.

I miss you already and I will always miss you.

The kitty paw shaped hole in my heart will never ever be filled.

I love you.

My cat Coors (Aug. 1995 - Nov. 21 2011)

And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.

Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.

But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.

Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am....forever and ever and ever.

Friday, November 4, 2011


This is the first day of my life

For once I'm sure
That this is where I long to be

No need to know

If there is something more than this

No need to go

Cause there is nothing more than this

My future is so clear

Cause everything's right here

Inside of me

Inside of me

Song and Lyrics by Gouryella

(pic sourced from Google)


Ever wonder what you're put on this earth to do?

I honestly think I am supposed to be around animals.

They are beautiful and I can't get enough of them.

My baby, Coors, who is in Chicago right now, I think about him on a daily base and I can't think too much about him because it will make me cry -- I miss him so much.

I lovelovelovelove my job, and would love to have a life where I can have my job and during the time off I can work with animals or at least be around them.

Wait, I already have that.

Not quite, though.

I live in a place that has strict no pet rule.

I lived in the place for a couple months and you know what?

I can't do it anymore.
Just can't.

I have to have animals in my life, in my home, and if that means I have to move again, I will do it.

This way, if my parents will allow me, I can bring my baby to Los Angeles as well, and maybe I can foster the animals I work with right now at Lange Foundation.

If I can come home to my kitties, and also have a job that I care so dearly about and actually enjoy, wouldn't that be the best?

This is my goal for now.

Believe me, I'm not just a crazy finicky person who can't decide on where to live.

I shouldn't have agreed to live in a place that didn't allow pets.
I thought by volunteering I would get the 'fix' but a true animal lover wouldn't be satisfied by that...

So watch me, as I try to move out of here as soon as I can.... and get the life that I really want.

(pic sourced from Google)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


In everything there is wonder
secrets hidden
and undiscovered

I've become a believer
and I surrender
cause I remember

There's a voice I know
giving me strength

everyday together
you're so far away

but I remember

I feel I've met you once before
I saw your eyes somewhere i know
I'm sure i held your hand long ago

I tasted your lips once before
I felt your heart beating I'm sure
I know you loved me long ago

Remember Lyrics and music by Ion Blu feat. Danny Claire

Friday, October 14, 2011

Busy busy busy...

pic courtesy of

Sorry for the lack of post, I have been very busy with my job, and have been having a blast.
Never knew I would love my job so much!!

I did a guest spot on Crewlounge this week as well, check it out!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Runyon Canyon hike

View from not quite the top....

As the temperature drops, I am actually encouraged to step outside and enjoy the nice breeze and the sunshine.

I am not a fan of heat (though I do practice Bikram Yoga, but that's in a controlled environment) so when it's above 80 degrees, it is way hot for me to wonder about.

"Must be fit" (further away you can see the Hollywood sign)

This morning was a nice warm yet not uncomfortable temperature here in Los Angeles, and my friend and I took a walk up the ever famous and popular Runyon Canyon to watch some dogs (there are so many dogs up there, and it's an unleash zone, making it more fun for them!) and hike around.

What a fun bench to sit on! Best view!

We broke a good amount of sweat and was hungry by the time we were done, so on the way back, we brunched at my new favorite eatery/cafe, Fratelli Cafe.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Milk Chocolate Chip + Chocolate Cookie

I have been wanting to make this cookie for a long time ever since seeing this post on Heart of Light.
The actual recipe is from Martha Stewart's Cookies.

From the Heart of Light blog:

Milk Chocolate Cookies from
Martha Stewart's Cookies
1 cup all purpose flour

1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon coarse salt

8 ounces good quality milk chocolate
(half coarsely chopped for melted, half cut into 1/4" chunks)
1/2 cup unsalted butter

1 1/2 cups sugar

2 large eggs
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

** Combine flour, cocoa, baking soda and salt in a bowl and set aside. ** Melt the coarsely chopped chocolate with the butter and then allow it to cool. (You can either use a double boiler for this, or you can simply use the microwave, if you're lucky enough to have a kitchen large enough to accommodate one, unlike me.) ** Beat the sugar, eggs and vanilla in the mixer. Pour in the melted chocolate, then fold in the flour until just combined. Stir in the chocolate chunks. ** Set the oven to preheat to 325 degrees. Chill the dough for about half an hour (Martha doesn't mention this, but I found it really helpful) and then use a 1 1/2 inch ice cream scoop (or a large spoon) to drop dough onto parchment or Silpat lined baking sheets. Bake 15 minutes. Cookies will still be soft. Makes about 3 dozen.

Just FYI Sur La Table has the best cookie sheets.
I don't need to grease anything, or buy a Silpat, which can be around $40.
Cookies fall right off.

They came out pretty great....

Can't wait to gift these with my new ribbon collection I got today from Michaels.
I love ribbons.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Last weekend, I went shopping with one of my friend and found an amazing eyeshadow palette from Dior at Sephora.

Their shadows which I've owned before are truly a work of art, from their packaging to the quality, color payoff, and so forth.
I purchased the color "Mitzah" from "The Style Empress" collection.

From the Sephora website:

An enchanting muse, Mitzah Bricard was an influential figure in the creation of the House of Dior. Setting the standard for elegance, she was an empress of style, whose audacious nature and lust for life continuously influenced Christian Dior. The signature elements of her look, such as the color lilac and notably, the famous jungle panther print, have become emblematic of Dior.

I also purchased an eyeliner pencil from my favorite brand, Tarina Tarantino.

Her Eye Dream Hyperliner pencil is my go to over Urban Decay or Make Up Forever -- which has been a blogger favorite for a long time.

I purchased this in color Ultraviolet (which is not available online) a dark plum/brown.

Last item is absolutely adorable and I couldn't resist.

This is Mr. & Mrs. Minimergency Kit.

In this small, 3.5" x 2" pouch you will find......

You can refill them with what you have in your house once you've used some of the item, or purchase more of their super mini items by contacting the website.

Monday, September 19, 2011


You and I
Could paint the sky together
As the world goes by
We'll go on forever

Look into my eyes
Eyes are the windows to the soul
Look into my eyes
Oh you will know
There is no surprise, eyes
Because love is plain to see
Look into my eyes

Truth is truth
And time can never leap it
This I know
We will always keep it

For someone whose eyes mesmerize me every time.

By Kaskade feat. Mindy Gledhill

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Don't Stop Dancing

Lyric to Kaskade's "Don't Stop Dancing" -- which is my anthem right now.

Don't stop dancing girl (x4)

World outside you, will let you in
To share the beauty you hold within
just keep going, every day
the silver lining is on its way

cause what you long for, is free
what you stand for, is to be
lift your feet off the ground

Don't stop dancing girl (x8)

Til you reach it you wont know
just what's the distance, you'll need to go
but it's out there beyond today
The silver lining is on its way

cause what you long for, is free
what you stand for is, to be
lift your feet up off the ground...

Don't stop dancing girl (x4)

By Kaskade (feat. Haley)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Beauty and Baking Haul

Brown Paper bags with handles for my baked goods!

Since I have been on a baking kick lately I did a little shopping at Michael's Arts and Crafts for some packaging items.

Little Take-out containers! Perfect for anything!

Whenever I am in that store, I think about who I would be gifting the baked goods for, and see what color, or theme would be appropriate.

The clearance section has some great items as well, and I found a colorful polka dot cupcake liner for a penny, and beautiful ribbons for a dollar each.

$2.01 total

I also have some new additions to my make up collection, and recently, I have been gravitating toward Japanese and Korean items.

There are many stores in Los Angeles that I can purchase these items, so I don't necessarily have to go online, but when I do, my go-to site is Pretty and Cute.

I bought the most adorable handheld mirror and a BB Cream, (both by Lioele) from them and I couldn't believe how fast the shipping was!

I purchased an eyeshadow palette that is produced by Japanese model Tsubasa Masuwaka (I have few other items by her brand, Dolly Wink).

It is in Sweet Dolly Brown (01) and it has the most useful, beautiful colors, it will be a staple in my make up bag.

Also, I am always looking for mascara that doesn't leave a black 'rim' on the bottom of my eyes after a few hours of wear, and this one (over YSL or Dior) is the winner.
It's a Japanese brand, GAFIXX Mascara (you can purchase here).

GAFIXX Mascara

What have you purchased lately that just makes you smile?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years ago

Ten years ago today, my industry changed in a way nobody expected it to.

I will never forget the thoughts that went through my head when I realized what was going on with my coworkers -- especially those first moments when I finally saw the visual of those buildings on fire.

I was flying out of Los Angeles to Denver that day, and the confusion and the panic we saw and felt while we waited for answers that never came - I would never wish that upon anyone.

In the aviation industry, even if you don't work for the same airline we are all family.
When you hear about something that's gone wrong, it hits so, so close to home.
Knowing that someone I actually may know were on those planes, just crushed me.

As long as I live I hope we never have to go through what we experiences that day.

My thoughts are with everyone who was affected by that horrible day.

Friday, September 9, 2011

How did I end up here anyway?

Post card from

Often I am asked how I became a flight attendant.

My family had always encouraged me that I was fit for the position since I was a little girl, especially my grandmother who would send me flight attendant magazines from Japan on a monthly basis.

As soon as I was old enough (19), I planned to pursue the position.

I didn't do it right away though, and waited since I decided to pursue my dream to be an Olympic athlete.
I passed up going away to college versus traveling around as a junior athlete, competing around the country. I would attend classes at a community college in my home town and traveled on weekends to tournaments.

About a year and a haf into my intense training with a personal coach, an ankle injury (torn ligament) sidelined me. After some anguish and significant time off from training, I felt my athletic career was no longer an option, and decided I was ready to start my career.
I attended my first Open House for my airline when I was 20 years old in Los Angeles.

Having no idea how a 'real' job would be (let alone how life operated) I can't even tell you how I came off as a somewhat clueless youngster, but nonetheless after three rounds of interviews and medical, I was hired and went through 7 weeks of training in my home town.
It was an awesome feeling when I was accepted for training, as my airline was only hiring at a ratio of 1:200 at the time, and I felt like I've accomplished something.

My language skill probably helped and the fact that I had just finished a 2 months stint as an interpreter for the Olympic Game for the biggest news agency in Japan probably didn't hurt either.

Many of my co workers would disagree with me but I myself enjoyed the training immensely.
It was my first adult experience, and since I never attended a four year University, it was sort of a faux dorm life I never had.

By-the-minute schedule, stale cafeteria food day in day out, the long extensive fine dining class (with roast and caviar, sorbet with mint leaf, etc.) that lasted for hours and hours, the make up class, the PA and demo class, walking around the airport at midnight with classmates for 'aircraft fam (iliarization)' class, the stress and pressure of our weekly tests and quizzes (not to mention the emergency section of the training which is 2 weeks long with written exam and door demonstration test for 10 different fleet doors), and the drama that ensued as one of our classmates got 'cut' after each week for whatever they didn't pass -- it was a full experience that til this day I remember fondly.
When we learned (or tried to) about our scheduling, how to read the trip ID (shortened version of our trip sheets), most of us were more confused when we walked out of the class then when we walked in.

These are just a snippet of what we learned during our 7 week stay at our training center.
There are just so many layers and components to being a flight attendant, and this training taught me that.

We encouraged each other and held each other up through our hills and valleys.

When one of our classmates passed away unexpectedly, during the first weekend at training, each one of us took it hard, and differently.
Some of us had to leave to go to our first training flight just hours after learning the news -- for a while our class was an emotional mess.

Once we finally graduated, we were based in two different cities, and it was a REAL learning experience from there.
Like anything else, things you were taught in the classrooms were not exactly the same in real life, and I would be so confused with some of the lingos, I would pretend to know some when I had no clue what my crew was talking about. ( i.e. -- "We will satellite this cart.")
All the different personalities that I had to deal with onboard - crew and passengers - was absolutely overwhelming to me yet such a learning experience that has shaped me and has given me many tools to be able to work with so many different groups of people.
(As time has gone by, I had become such a homebody.)

I stumbled through my first 6 months and made it through my 'probation' period without a problem (sort of).

Thank God for being young.
It made making mistakes that much easier, and to forget.

Through many, many, many, many, many laughs, some tears and occasional urge to fight, I literally grew up in the aviation industry.
Nothing will ever replace my memories I had with my airline and the friends I have made.

Almost 15 years, here I am again, basically a new hire as a corporate FA in a slightly different setting.

I am hoping my next chapter in the aviation industry will be just as fulfilling and wonderful.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What would you like to see?

I am sort of in a weird phase in my life where I love everything that is coming across in my life, and want to enjoy them.

I am starting to bake again, and I am really enjoying gifting my finished products, and buying boxes and containers to out them in and decorating them is half the fun.

I am also busy as a new blogger on an aviation website, and I have to finished a legitimate post every two weeks, and it may get up to once a week if my work seems like it cam produce more stories.

I am continuing my yoga practices, though during the summer I seriously slacked, but once I get back in, I know I will remember why I began to start off with.

I have been making my way into the shelter I volunteer with about three times a week, and it feels great.

The only thing I have been truly shopping for has been kitchenware and business wears, so there hasn't been much interesting move there, but it's me, you guys.
I am always very active online, browsing and getting things at home. My roommate can attest to that.

So I guess the question is: what do like to see from here?
Anything in particular?
I would like to hear any and all opinions, so please do not be shy, I want to hear from as many people as I can.

I am kind of shy about doing those outfit posts because I hate having pix taken, but maybe I need to suck it up and have someone tale a picture of me or invest in a camera that can do something fab so I can show you guys more of my fashionista side?

I don't know.
I'm sort of in a rut, please help me!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hanamizuki - Dogwood

It's been 10 years since my industry changed.
This song was written by a singer in Japan after the 9-11 terrorist attack as an anthem for the survivors and family of the victims of the tragedy, and her wish and hope for world peace.

Lyrics from "Hanamizuki" (Dogwood) by Hitoto Yo

 手を伸ばす君 五月のこと








you hold your hands out
boosting up the sky, in may
I want you to come,
to the water's edge.
I'll give you a bud
the dogwood tree in the garden

my adorable soft pink one,
I hope your endless dream comes to an end
I hope you and the one you love have one hundred years together.

summer is too hot
my feelings are too heavy
to cross together
they'll no doubt bring down the boat
please go on,
go on ahead of me.

my patience will one day pay off
I hope the endless waves will calm
I hope you and the one you love have one hundred years together

chase after the fluttering butterflies
raise the white sails
on Mother's Day
send a leaf of dogwood.
you need not wait,
nor know

my adorable soft pink one,
I hope your endless dream comes to an end
I hope you and the one you love have one hundred years together.

my patience will one day pay off
I hope the endless waves will calm
I hope you and the one you love have one hundred years together

(Translated By: Brian Stewart & Takako Sakuma)

Below, video of legendary Japanese singer Hideaki Tokunaga in concert singing this song - tear inducing, powerful, even if you can not understand the language.
The melody is beautiful.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I am now going to be blogging on on a regular base.

The site is popular among aviation enthusiasts and employees, and it gives you various different perspective of air travel.

Please check out my first post here.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fall Haul

For this coming fall season, I have been drawn to blazers and also been obsessing over taupe and blush colors as well.
I have collected few items over the past several months that can be dressed into the colder months.

Now that I reside in Los Angeles, weather will not be that big of a factor, giving me more options within my own closet without having to go out and purchase a whole addition to my wardrobe for the colder months ahead.

I did, though, purchase few key pieces and accessories to spice up what I already have.

Various neutral colored booties and heels

My latest obsession: duster earrings

My vanilla colored blazer to wear with anything

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Baker

Trader Joe's Vanilla Extract

When you have a male roommate that doesn't care too much about cooking and has absolutely nothing in the drawers but a few wooden spoons and a small pot or two, it is almost like having your own kitchen.

I was living in a massive house in Bel Air that had a full kitchen with island counter and every amenity you can think of before I moved to my current place.
Though the convenience level was there since I didn't have to buy much with that place -- the kitchen didn't feel like my own, as I didn't have the pleasure of shopping and collecting anything that was in there.

Once I moved to my new apartment, as soon as I found out what kind of state the kitchen was in -- I was pumped.

I am no gourmet cook, and I am far from doing anything fancy -- but I do enjoy the art of cooking, and I do like to bake.

My new mixing bowl

Today is an appropriate day to do so -- I've decided to make some butterscotch and chocolate chip muffins for a little celebration.

Celebratory muffin cups for the occasion

My colorful set of measuring spoons and cups

I enjoy the process of choosing the utensils and equipments I am going to be using, and I was a kid in the candy store at one of my favorite store, Sur la Table at the Grove.

My new Le Crueset rubber spatula (pink AND sparkly)

Looking good....

Butterscotch + Chocolate chip muffin