1. I love espresso over ice with cinnamon dulce syrup- drink it basically everyday at Starbucks, or with half a scoop of hazelnut powder from Coffee Bean
2. I can quote most things from SATC, Seinfeld, RENO911 and Friends. I also own every episode of Family Guy and American Dad.
3. If nothing else, a guy must have a sense of humor and ambition - that's all you need in life!
4. I like studying astrology -- it's endless and informative, and pretty impressive what it can teach you

5. My love for cats can be defined as borderline fanatic, disturbing, abnormal.
6. Self-righteous people - FAIL
7. I love writing - recently I have contributed some work to different blogs and have gotten very positive reactions (EDIT: currently aside from my own blog, I guest blog on Upgrd.com)
8. For the first time in my life -- I feel most comfortable in my own skin.
9. I love Bikram Yoga. LOVE. IT. I also am a huge fan of Vinyasa flow yoga.
10. People call me 'princess' all the time but I am uncomfortable with high end things! Where do they get the idea???
11. Even if I had a million $ I will probably drive my beloved 2008 Honda Civic!
12. My favorite colors are fuchsia/rose, purple and taupe
13. I am definitely a girly girl yet love sports/ESPN and watch Baseball Tonight during baseball season

14. My favorite flower is Iris (that gorgeous color!!)
15. I am a false eyelash FANATIC - I own at least 50 pairs at any given time and my fave brand of make up is NARS
16. "Tommy Boy" "Dumb and Dumber" and all of the JackAss movies are my favorite
17. I am a homebody, can stay home and be just content
18. I am planning to move to L.A.(EDIT June 2011 - and I did!!)

19. I love vintage Barbie - but am too cheap to collect the actual dolls, so I settle for calendars and artworks and such
20. I love acoustic guitar music
21. I am empathetic. I can literally 'feel' how others are feeling. Sometimes it's draining.
22. If I had one word to describe myself- it would be 'loyal.' I will fight for you no matter what. Also, I don't get jealous, or lonely. I get bored, sometimes.
23. It's hard to live in a country that has such low standard in customer service. I think it is like a rare art form when you encounter that person or a business that has it down.
24. I used to play piano as a kid. Couldn't read the music though, so I REMEMBERED everything when we had to play in concerts. My memory, to this day, is creepy awesome. I try not to scare people.
25. I hate getting my pictures taken (hence lack of 'fashion/what I wore' type of picture/post)
26. I don't get into the Holidays much, it seems like an endless process that you have to do all over again
27. I can eat avocado, sweet potato and watermelon everyday of the year
28. Red wine is like an oxygen in my life -- NECESSARY

29. Man should not be a coward -- and by that I don't need him to go skydiving or swim with the sharks. I want him to own up to his mistakes, does and mean what he says.
30. I think athletes should drink coconut water (mango flavor is the best) instead of Gatorade
31. I pride myself in looking *decent* without make up - still! (just my opinion, hehe)
32. I am nearly blind without my glasses or contact lenses. BLIND. I'm also near deaf as I watch TV with captions on. It's those airplane engines!
33. My dream job - General Manager at Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills (related to #23)

34. I am a recovering shopping addict (seriously!!)
35. I have volunteered with a human society for 5 years, and continue to do what I can for my beloved feline friends
36. I pay attention to how a guy deals with bad situation and how he has dealt with his past relationships -- it's like a resume of life that says A LOT
37. I believe in signs :)

38. I still love and purchase items with Disney Princess/Fairy designs
39. Comedy is VERY important to me, and I respect comedians. I honestly think key to happy life is a sense of humor.

40. I am always open to learning, and am thankful anyone wants to teach me anything
41. I want to be certified as a Life Coach - I like the approach they take rather than therapists and psychiatrists
42. I love Trance Music -- fave DJ: Armin van Buuren, ABT, Dale Corderoy, Max Graham
43. I don't eat a whole lot in one sitting but once I polished off a Porterhouse (with sides), two bottles of wine, plus salad, appetizer and dessert in one sitting. No joke.
44. I would like to consider myself a Buffalo Wing, and chocolate shake connoisseur
45. I started taking Ambien this year after flying red eyes continuously for about 2+ years. I never knew how funny the whole thing can be. VERY trippy.
46. I don't like people who 'announces" their plans ("I'm going to totally do this and that") - unless they are already in the works, do it, don't say it
47. I respect women who chooses to live the road less traveled, takes a more difficult path, does the right thing, even if it is the uncomfortable/scary choice -- My hero is Elizabeth Edwards
48. Although I may not say it a lot, I think my family (immediate and extended) is pretty terrific
49. I believe that outside beauty can be taken away in an instant. I strive everyday to create the beauty within. Cliche, yes, but so true.

50. Manhattan Beach, California (where I used to live) is my home for my heart <3
(I took the picture of the Pier with my phone!)
I'm surprised by #33. It's not far fetched, just surprising.
ReplyDelete#34 explains all the denim. Haha. I'm on the extreme end. I have virtually none especially since I gained a little weight since I've been unemployed. Hahaha