Wednesday, October 16, 2013

UCLA writing course assignments

During some of my darkest and loneliest moments I have always turned to writing.
It gave me endless space and place to do whatever I needed to do.
Since then I have actually have had some of my work published (under a pen name) in blogs, etc. and I was advised by couple of the editors to take some writing courses to polish my writing to further my talent. 
Since this blog connects to my personal Twitter account and also due to the nature of my occupation, I'd like to keep some of my most private and personal thoughts/accounts just that way -- however, I thought it would be nice to hear some reactions from some of you on few of the pieces that are more PG rated. 
Below is my assignment from my first week of my fall semester at UCLA extension; the topic was to write something that triggered your memory from my childhood, as the course is titled "Writing out of your Life ."

The alleyway next to the market was our playground.
Only big enough for one truck to pass at a time, we learned to ride our bikes there and mastered the climb on concrete wall that divided the area from the large parking lot.
When we poked that beehive in the old truck in the parking lot one too many times (I don't know why we thought it would be a good idea) and my little brother was too young to run away as his legs didn’t move fast enough and fell victim to the awful bee sting, the alley was where we ran to for safety.
The vending machine lined the end of the alley next to the market like a colorful rainbow – drinks appeared on the top of each machine like proud race horses, and in the middle was the electronic rings of the game that was installed. The idea was you may or may not win a free additional can of your choice once you purchased something if the red dot landed on a particular area - like a slot machine the red dot circled and circled and would come to a stop. 
We all lined up in a straight line, the neighbor kids and us, during those humid summer days with one 100 yen coin in each hand, trying to decide whether we should treat ourselves to one of the variety of ice cream instead; the big freezer in front of the market was like Narnia, so many goodies in the shape of a cup, a cone, on a stick, etc. much more attractive than the ice coffee drinks we weren’t allowed to have that were an option.
When you opened the sliding glass, a white cloud of air would puff up out of the contained white box making the whole experience of choosing an ice cream oh so magical.
We were all barely tall enough to look inside, but we took our time and enjoyed the process as we weren’t to have ice cream everyday.
The term market is loosely used as the store only sold sake, beer, and rice in the 10kg bags inside and some bottled tea.
For me, it was just the place to buy my grandma’s tea or when my grandpa or my dad wanted beer with dinner, or my own treat (a.k.a. ice cream) during the day when we were allowed.
I am told that the alleyway has been recently constructed into a condo building.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Summer haul

I have been extremely busy for the past couple months and have not had much chance to shop.

Ever since I saw a post regarding Greek Sandals in one of my favorite blog, I have been thinking about that neutral yet beautiful leather sandal that looks and feel better as time goes by.

It was one of my first purchases I made on the island.

Greek sandal

I love natural stone jewelry and am always looking at them on -- I think it can be dressed up and down, and are surprisingly neutral, and goes well with many different outfit choice.
When I saw this stone bracelet I immediately fell in love with the color.

The little blue eye on the turquoise bracelet is an Evil eye.
It is a good luck charm that is extremely popular in the Mediterranean culture and I was looking for a piece that included one but didn't look too much.
This turquoise bracelet was a perfect since I wanted a turquoise piece as well, and the 'eye' is dainty enough you won't even notice.

The wooden tray in the shape of a tear drop is made of pure olive tree, and again like the sandals, gets better with age.
The lady who owns the store told me to rub a little bit of olive oil in, and buff it if it starts to look a bit dry.

Stone bracelet and turquoise jewelry with an evil eye

Oversized dyed scarves in different shades of purple -- my favorite color 

Perfect white summer top that I can wear at home in Los Angeles.
Looks like something I can find at a store by Free People - but for about 1/3 of the price.

Gauze-y top I have been eyeing since my arrival in Greece

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Mykonos Blue

I have truly hit career jackpot in May, when I was hired on as a full time FA on an account I did some work for previously.
This means I will now have benefits and be on a salary -- a situation I have coveted for 2 years.

The account is a private owner flying with two owners (they are related) and I take care of two airplanes they share.
It is a lot of work, since restocking and taking care of two large cabin planes means I am basically the 'mother hen' for two families -- you have to think about every aspect of the flight.

The summer and the holiday season are when they go on their long vacation, and here I am accompanying them, in a place I probably will never have a chance to be on my own -- Mykonos, Greece.

Small church by the water -
this picture is EXACTLY what I imagine when I hear the word "Mykonos"

Morning cappuccino by the water

Most photographed in Mykonos, making his daily appearance by the water

Nighttime by the water
Symbolic white buildings I have seen only in pictures 
Clear water

Lunch by the water

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Great Divide

Walls around your heart
I wanna get in
I wanna know you

You’re scared to lose it all
I know who you’ve been
But I’ll take a chance on you

You fight the light
You push it away
You’re gone with the wind at the end of the day
But where are you going?

You play it safe
So there’s nothing to win

I wanna come closer but you won’t let me in
I wanna go where you’re going

Pull me in tonight and stay forever
I wanna know the secrets of your heart

Let’s begin tonight
It’s now or never

Love won’t happen til you try to cross 
the Great Divide

I have shared many different lyrics from some of my favorite songs that resonates with my life/heart/thoughts in the past. 
This song, by Velvetine, was inspired by the award winning songwriter Thomas Newman from his original score for the movie "Revolutionary Road" and Newman is listed as one of the writers for this tune.
Classic piano juxtaposed with the trance melody creates new sound and harmony that is on another level.
The lyrics, the term "the Great Divide," everything about this song inspires me.
Is the "Divide" a challenge or a fear in your own life?
Is this about a new love?
It can be anything....

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Kicking As*

Recently, I have come to a realization that I can not keep eating a pint of coconut ice cream five nights a week, and need to incorporate a little bit more vegetables in my diet, as a cup of tomato soup really doesn't count.

I researched for something I can do frequently that is close by and fun.
I am lazy so I knew that I needed an instructor, and I can't be driving for an hour in traffic because that alone would discourage me to keep going. Also, many places I have tried (Pilates, barre method type of gym, etc.) offer a beginner's rate for the first month, but then it is expensive to continue on further.
I like to take private session for Pilates and they can be anywhere between $85 and $125 a session.

My answer = all women's kickboxing gym that is 10 minutes away, that has a 10 class/$100 package at all times, and the owner always has a sale -- all with an excellent review on Yelp.

The first class is free, so that was perfect for me to try it out.

The past couple of weeks, I can honestly say I have had the most fun working out. 

I actually look forward to going there, I put my workout clothes out the night before like a kid. 


Kickboxing is.....stress relieving, fun, whole body workout and I love that I am not trying to compete with anyone for attention of the instructor, as the class consists of about 15 ladies, and we often work in smaller groups.
We jumprope, do a lot of cardio, which I wanted, and then we box for about half the time we're there.
I have continued my Bikram Yoga, but I wanted to do something different, and now this is a perfect addition to my physical activity.

As a result of the workout I have been doing, I am drinking about 3 to 4 liters of water everyday (about 100 to 135 oz.), and after my workout I stop at an organic juice place that shares the parking lot with the gym, and have been drinking their "green juice." Talk about detox!


Another great thing -- I have been a night owl all my life, staying up till the wee hours, and this changed my daily routine as well. 
The class starts at 9:30 in the morning, so I get up an hour before at 8:30, make my protein smoothie, clean my place then I head out. 

I am sore everyday, but I am so happy that I have finally found my gym!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

50 things about me - revised and updated -

1) My biggest pet peeves: whistling, answering text with "K" and misuse of the words "your," you're," "they're," "there," and "their"

2) I hate flakey people

3) One word to describe myself - without a doubt -- loyal. I will go to the end of the earth for someone I care about.

4) Fave color - purple, fave flower, Iris

5) Fave quote - "You are exactly where you are, doing exactly what you should be doing" ~ author unknown

6) Second fave quote - "It is astonishing how short a time it takes for very wonderful things to happen" ~ Frances Hodgson Burnett

7) is my new addiction and my favorite website is


Marshmallow (a.k.a. Maro)

8) My kitties Marshmallow (a.k.a. Maro) and Charlie are my life

9) I love baking, and I love gifting them - I have a whole basket of ribbons, bags and boxes to decorate my creations with when giving them to people

10) Espresso and red wine are both necessities in my life

11) I love Bikram Yoga

12) I am a homebody, perfectly happy being home.

13) Comedy is very important in my life. I am always looking for new up and coming comedian and checking out new comedy acts.
Sense of humor is so subtle and complex.
I have had my darkest days be brightened by humor/comedy and am always mesmerized by it. 

14) I LOVE baseball. I made a plate of chicken wings for myself to enjoy while watching the playoffs 2 years ago. I was a frat boy in my previous life

15) My biggest accomplishment thus far - getting over the hurdles life has given me without holding grudges and not being bitter

16) My goal as a flight attendant -- to be the name that everyone is glad to see

pic courtesy of Victoria's Secret

17) Customer service is a subtle mixture of care, timing, reading your clients' needs a step ahead and artful display, and not everyone can do it, or do it well.

18) If I wasn't in aviation, I would like to work with animals full time.

19) I love writing, I take classes online at UCLA and it is my oasis, my outlet. I feel better when I am creative. (I also blog on

20) I am not a make up junky but have collected a healthy amount of make up items and my fave brands are Tarte, Urban Decay and NARS.

21) I am a gloss-a-holic, I never wear lipstick, just lip glosses.

22) When I am alone in my hotel room or my place, I listen to music on my iShuffle and dance around :)

23) I make my own Thai iced coffee at home so I can have a gallon of it in one sitting if I wanted to!

24) I would like to buy three things if I save enough money -- a Dyson vacuum, a stand alone Kitchen Aid mixer in raspberry color, and a new laptop (Mac Air) -- all in one day!

25) I love vintage Barbie, Hello Kitty and pink/purple/lavender -- a theme for my phone, iPad cover, etc.

26) I am a buffalo wings connoisseur. 

27) My fave cuisine though, is Korean and Italian, but I am also an pho addict.

28) I love acoustic guitar music - I think it is so romantic

29) I love buying cards with inspirational quotes and framing them

30) I love the cold, anything over 60 and I whittle like a lettuce

31) I eat banana and avocado every day and drink coconut water

32) My favorite body part - my smile

33) I am very picky about flats -- there is a difference between "good" flats and not so great ones. My go-to is Tory Burch, "Eddie" I have 6 pairs.

34) I don't really like wearing high heels - but will so for special occasion, and if I know I can sit down soon

35) All of my friends I have I can consider to be BEST friends and have known them for at least 10 years. I only make friends with people I trust and can be in my life fully and ones I respect. It's all or nothing for me. 

36) I actually love writing cards still and do so for my grandma once a month.

37) I have volunteered with animals since 2007

38) My personal anthem: Alicia Keys "Girl on Fire"

39) My parents are my rock 

40) Being in private aviation has humbled me in ways I never thought it would. Going in I thought it may turn me in to a snob, but it actually worked out the other way -- and I am glad

41) Biggest compliment for me would be "you are a warm person" 

42) I can only wear accessories on my left hand/wrist

43) I only use one kind of pen -- Pilot G-2 in 10 or 0.7 
always have one (or five) in my purse!

44) I have had some of my writings published by some high profile blogs and websites (under a pen name) and have had good reviews. One comment I received was that I should write a novel. I could not have been more proud.

45) I don't understand anything about football...nor do I really care

46) I have the worst eye sight, the worst hearing ( I watch TV with captions) -- however my sense of smell will beat any K-9.

47) I think Victoria's Secret should have an Asian Angel :)

48) For someone who has never lifted her finger to do anything more complicated than sending a fax, this past year when I set up my scanner/printer/copier/FAX and built my own IKEA furniture, I felt like I have moved up a level in being independent

49) I am afraid of heights and am claustrophobic

50) In the past few years I have learned to let go of what I can not control and let things fall where it will and have trust in life.

For more of my daily pictures, follow me on Instagram!

User name: LAskygurl