I have not posted here in a while, I had been busy getting some things in my personal life situated.
For one, I am moving again -- yes.
Since the loss of my cat last month, I realized how much I missed having a cat around in my life.
I have always volunteered since I moved out West but it's just not the same.
I also felt that for the price I am paying, that I wanted more of 'my' space -- and if I couldn't do that at least I wanted to reduce the rent a little bit.
I knew that I couldn't afford a place on my own, so I wanted a roommate, and a flight attendant roomie would have been ideal.
Since personal space and time is very important to me and with what I do, preparation for the flight and decompression after the flight is so valuable, that I selfishly thought "hey a flight attendant roommate would be awesome!" -- meaning that her and I both will have a lot of time and space for ourselves since we will be gone for a period of time on a regular base.
I found a perfect person as my roommate, and we looked for a place together.
Since she is also a corporate FA and more experienced than I am, I have TONS of things I can learn from her, and I am
really looking forward to that.
The new place has a balcony, hardwood floors, entertainer's kitchen, floor to ceiling window, and big rooms, and is modern built with brand new blinds, plus covered parking - all for $300 less than what I was paying (for my portion).
I will have the pictures up as soon as I move in next month!
Now I am able to adopt the 2 cats I have been stalking at my
volunteer organization.
I have already turned in my application, and I am excited for the new year already.
I have names picked out for them too.
New place, new kitties, new roomies..... less rent, and a cool kitchen to bake even more.
I am filled with excitement for the New Year.
(pic courtesy of