View from our A320
I am no travel expert, (I just work here!) but throughout my career, I have gathered some ideas that would probably make your travel experience a little bit more easier or comfortable....
1) Dress in layers -- many planes (especially domestically) will be used for more than one segment during the day. However that does not necessarily mean that the temperature on the plane will always be comfortable. It takes time to cool down or heat up the cabin, as it is bigger than your car, and there will be more than four people sitting in the cabin with you, so add the body heat of 100+ people in to the mix. People tend to only dress for the destination or the city they are leaving. Dress so the clothes you have on can be adjusted to the temperature change.
My best advise for you would be a maxi dress with a hoodie. Throw a long knee socks in your purse, and wear flip flops as they are easy to slip on and off (security) but your feet may get cold when sitting. A hoodie can be balled up to be used as a pillow.

Rachel Pelly Maxi dress (

Juicy Couture Hoodie (
2) Bring snacks -- Liquids over a certain amount are not allowed through security so you will have to buy them in the terminal but bring food that won't spill or SMELL onboard. Best snacks will be almonds (I like flavored ones like wasabi or cinnamon) and crackers like Gold Fish that can be thrown in a baggie and not need to be kept cold. An apple will also be great, you can just bite into it. The idea is to not have to need something (utensils, hot water, etc.) in order for you to enjoy them.

3) Check your bag -- I know some airlines are charging crazy $ to check your baggage. My biggest advice here is to check your bags AT THE GATE. It's free, and on top of it, because your bags will be 'last ones on' it will be the first ones off at the baggage claim. You will have to get through security so you will have to make sure to comply with the liquid rules.
There are so many beauty items that are 'airline approved' sizes now, and here are some great ideas!

(image from

(image from polyvore)
Travel safe!!