Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Rainy Hahn Air Base

In the past couple of years my respect for the military personnel have grown tremendously.

I work with pilots everyday I am at work, however it never occurred to me that majority of them were at one point, a soldier (MANY of them are ex military) since I see them in uniform and in a safe environment.

My airline conducts military charter on a regular basis, and I have avoided working those flights as I knew that it would not be a 'fun' flight.
I thought I didn't have what it takes to work a flight without being emotional.

Last fall, the opportunity to work one fell into my lap and finally, I agreed to do it.

If that flight wasn't one of the most humbling experience I have ever had, I don't know what is.

What do you say to a 19 year old soldier who stops me inflight to ask, 'excuse me ma'am, can you tell me where we are going?'

We flew them to Hahn Air Base, outside of Franfurt, Germany, and they went onto Kuwait, and onto whatever destination they were going to from that point on.
I served maybe three glasses of water during that flight, since they all fell asleep from exhaustion.
Mind you, we have over 250 seats in the economy section of our 747.

The feeling I had watching them walk off the plane is indescribable.

Soldiers gathering their belongings

This Memorial Day, I am wishing that all those soldiers I brought out to where ever they were going to, are all well, and happy.

P.S. I worked to Washington D.C. today, and on my flight I had about 12 Secret Service guys that were in town for President Obama.

Below, President's choppers parked in the hanger area at Chicago O'hare airport

You see the guy working on it?

Saturday, May 29, 2010


'Zahara' is one of Bebe's best selling shoes.

Since a couple of years back, I have avoided very tall heels (3+inches) for comfort reasons.
I wear heels for work, but they are 3 inches at the most, and on my days off, I try to live in my Havaianas.

Two back injuries from work didn't help either, and there were so many stylish ballet shoes that were in the stores that I really didn't need heels to be completely 'dressed up.'

I was visiting L.A. earlier this month when I was given an opportunity to shop for a pair of heels at Bebe as a gift.

Bebe offers many different styles, but all of their heels are 4 inches and above.

When I slipped on these Zaharas, I thought they were much lower heels then they actually were because of the comfortable fit -- when in reality they are 4.75 inches.

They come in variety of colors and material, but they are beautifully made (in Brazil) and the sky high heels are so much more bearable due to the platform.

I wore my brand new heels to dinner at Craft that night, and they were as comfortable as they were stylish.

I now have four different pairs, and am planning on adding to my collection when new colors come out.

Friday, May 28, 2010

30+ follower (yeay) Giveaway update!

I am so excited to announce my blog now has over 30 followers!

Thank you to everyone and to show my gratitude, I would like to do a giveaway as I mentioned before.

Here are the products...

Victoria's Secret Vanilla Lace Body Scrub and Mist

NYX eyeshadow in Atlantic

Urban Decay mascara, Sephora brand mascara, Red Cherry falsies in #1 and #46

Superhero hand cream by Sephora

L.A. Girl nail polish in Fuchsia, MAC Dazzleglass in Euro Beat, Victoria Secret's Sexy Little Gum (cinnamon flavor)

1) You *must* be a follower of my blog

2) Link me to your blog/add me to your blogroll, or Facebook if you don't have a blog.

3) Comment under this post what your ONE beauty/fashion go to item is for the summer.

4) Leave your email address for me to contact you if/when you win!!

5) Only one entry per person please!!

6)Only US sorry!

I will close the giveaway entries on June 11th midnight, PST.

Winner will be contacted via email, and also announced on this blog on Saturday June 12th.

Everything is brand new, and unused.
I will be shipping via FedEx 2 day so the winner will also get a tracking number.

Thank you for following!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Summer Body

Without a doubt you can categorize me into 'lazy' when it comes to exercise.
Hard to believe that at one point in my life I was a junior athlete aiming for the Olympic Game.
With all the standing I do at work, as well as the amount of energy it takes to deal with people sometimes all I want to do is come home and just rest up.
Last thing on my mind is to get in a car and drive to a gym, get on a treadmill like a hamster and stare at a wall for an hour, running.

This is where my favorite exercise of all comes into play.

I have been a loyal believer in the exercise since 1998, when I first read about it in a magazine, (Self, I think) and because it was fairly new in the States (though it was developed during the first World War) it took bit of a search for me to find a studio that even offered a class.

Now you can pretty much find a studio in every town, and the pricing has gone down dramatically.

Because Pilates is about 'doing it right' and not about the quantity or the repetition til you are blue in the face, I like to take private lessons as precision is the most important thing here.
A one on one session allows the instructor to correct your form, so you do it CORRECTLY 8 times, which is so much more effective then doing it wrong, 30 times.

Also, what is great about Pilates is that it was originally created as a form of rehabilitation for the soldiers, so it is perfect for the injured, or pregnant ladies. Also, if you ever wonder why the capital letter for this form of exercise; it's named after the founder, Joseph Pilates. 

A lot of the exercises are done lying down, but do not underestimate -- I sweated so much during my one hour session with Alison at Spring Wellness yesterday, my clothes were soaked.

Read about this marvelous form of exercise here.

Beauty (Super) Secret

If you are like me, you probably have an extended list of beauty items that you have tried (and failed).

From the time you started seeing your first pimple in your early teenage years to the recent hormonal monthly acne, sun damage, etc. we ALL have something we can improve when it comes to our skin.

I have had my share of cosmetic merry-go-around when it comes to skincare.

Recently, though, I have discovered something that I truly did not expect to work, and it has surprised me in so many ways I have to share this.

Just so you know, It may not be exactly a secret, since it's well known and very common in some cultures.

Here is a picture of the so-called beauty secret....

Coconut Oil

This has become very much a staple in my bathroom -- in fact, aside from my face wash (Purpose) and exfoliant (DERMAdoctor Physical Chemistry) this is all I use.

I can take my make up off, wipe it down with a baby wipe, and then wash my face.
Then I apply a small amount of this oil on my face.
On my face.

It smells great, shrink pimples and gives me a glow (not shine).
My skin has never looked better.

I put it in my hair BEFORE washing it for about 30 minutes, and it gives it a nice soft finish, (I shampoo twice).
It works as a nice body lotion as well.

I also keep a separate jar in the kitchen and I put a spoon full in my hot chocolate or coffee, stir into my spaghetti instead of butter or olive oil, spread it on toast, put some in the smoothie.

It is endless as far as what and how you can consume it, and it has so many benefits.
You can read them here.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Lovely Day

Look who I started the day out with.....

Sweet Pea...



and Patrick!!

After my volunteer shift, I picked up some coffee and some treats...

Mini donuts from Starbucks...

I headed out to get my nails done.... (no pix sorry)

Then ended up having a nice sushi dinner with my parents!

How was your Monday?

Plus one

In honor of my birthday today, and seeing that my followers are up to now 25, I thought I would update everyone on the giveaway!

I have so far decided on:

- Urban Decay Skyscraper Multi-benefit mascara

- Sephora brand mascara

- NYX eye shadow in Atlantic

- Victoria's Secret body scrub

The rules are still up in the air but this is just so you have an idea of what to expect.

I am not done making up the list so stay tuned :)


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tie Dye

Ever since I bought this sweat pants by YFB (Young Fabulous and Broke) at Lisa Kline few years back, I have been a quiet fan of the tie dye look. (Sorry about the wrinkle!)
I like how the tie dye is used as an accent and not a statement in this particular piece and I look at it as a spice.

I have purchased few pieces here and there through out the years and it seems as though the trend is back along with the '80s theme, and I am seeing more options in the stores lately.

The Romeo & Juliet Couture tie dye tanks with frills on the bottom are my favorite these days (I own three colors) as it can be dressed up (surprisingly) with a banded pencil skirt and some great heels or (obviously) casual with the usual denim and or some capri pants/shorts and thong sandals.

Here are some of my favorites I have seen lately that I may consider adding to my collection in the near future....

F21 denim

F21 Maxi dress

Gypsy 05 Maxi dress

Gypsy 05 silk tank

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It's a little premature but...

For those that are already my followers, thank you!

I know this is a bit premature but just wanted to give you heads up for a small contest/giveaway I am thinking about for next month.

I will do a "2 months blog anniversary/30 followers" giveaway!

I am not sure exactly what I will be giving away but it will be something nice (MAC, F21, Victoria's Secret) and will be shipped via FedEx with a tracking number and everything...

I am working on the 'rules' now but it will be strictly for (obviously) my followers so if you aren't already one, please click and follow!

More details coming up in the very near future....

Monday, May 10, 2010

Middle Sister

Recently while browsing the aisles of my local Target, I found what has now become my new obsession.

Middle Sister Wine.

How cute is the label??

Being the middle sister (I have a younger brother and an older sister just like the muse of this brand, Erin Wassum) I fit the textbook 'example' of a middle child.
I'm the 'odd ball' in the family, the one that brings home the news that the other two wouldn't dream about (usually not that positive).

I think this adorable wine brand is going to be my staple this summer.
I got the Pinot Grigio in the beautiful green bottle in honor of my own birthday, (Emerald is the birthstone for May) righteously named "Drama Queen."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Once a year

picture courtesy of Never Apart in Heart

As my birthday approaches, I can't help but reflect upon the good and the bad of the past year as well as think/analyze about what I can do to improve or do differently for the coming year(s).

I have done pretty well regarding the 'theme' I have set for myself for the New Year ('do not let others waste your time') so I have composed another very small yet meaningful goal to make my already blessed life even more so.

I am going to try the 'shopping cleanse' for a month.

I have always been somewhat of a shopping addict. I know where it stems from and I have done remarkably better in the past couple years regarding this issue, and recently I have been reading more and more about people going on a cold turkey shopping hiatus.
It really makes you think about WHY you feel the need to shop -- and it really teaches you something.

I have read some of these ladies going for an extended amount of time (6 months) doing this, but I know myself and rather then starting out big and failing, I am going to start by doing something a little bit shorter.
I am not sure when I am going to do this, but it will be soon.

This will lead me to think about many things within my life and will no doubt have a positive impact.
I will have more time to spend on doing things a bit more productive then online shopping or browsing the mall on my days off.
I will update as I decide when to start and other 'rules' I will be following during this period.

Do you 'reset' your life when your special day comes along?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Summer Uniform

During the smoldering months of summer, I elect to dress in maxi dresses.

There are endless selections of styles, as well as prices and materials, it is hard to get tired of it, not to mention the ease of literally slipping it over your head and walking out the door, looking polished without any added effort.

Prices, as I mentioned, are so wide spread you can find great styles for very affordable prices.
One of my very favorite one is from F21, for under $15.

Few bangles, a pair of hoop earring and some flat sandals and I am set for the next few months!

Below are some of my favorites I found online for this upcoming season.

The bright colors and pattern of these selections are so beautiful and they can be dressed down or up with accessories and sandals.

I prefer my clothes to be soft and flowing, and I am always drawn to materials like modal or rayon for maxi dresses.

Knit Basic Maxi Dress

Tshirt Long Dress

Strapless Long Dress

What Goes Around Comes Around
Paloma Dress

Rachel Pally
Long Shirred Cami Dress